Friday, July 8, 2011

The Hungry Are Counting on You!

Federal Budget Battle Begins
Our Nation's Hungry Are Counting on You

Released by Feeding America (national):
It's official: the legislative budget battle to protect America's hungry citizens has begun. The passage of this month's House Agriculture Appropriations bill marked the first of many legislative votes impacting essential nutrition assistance programs that aid our most vulnerable citizens. As budget discussions and legislative developments unfold, your action on this issue is crucial to the millions of Americans struggling with hunger.

Why Your Help is Critical
The Stakes Are High. Drastic funding cuts to anti-hunger programs will be harmful to communities across the country. The House Agriculture Appropriations bill would eliminate nutrition assistance for hundreds of thousands of low-income seniors, women, infants, and children struggling with hunger and cut support to food banks. Simply put, this bill would increase hunger in America.

A United Voice. Hunger is a non-partisan issue, but America's most vulnerable citizens don't usually have the loudest or most unified voice to protest the budget cuts that will impact them. That's why we need the united voice of Hunger Relief Advocates to let lawmakers know balancing the budget at the expense of America's hungry is not acceptable.

The Long Road Ahead. The budget battle will be long, tumultuous, and politically charged. Important national priorities are all competing for funding from a limited set of national resources, which is why Hunger Relief Advocates must keep ending hunger front and center in the budget debate.

Going the Distance. The budget will take months to finalize, so we need your ongoing commitment to go the distance and stay in the fight. It's not enough to simply call your Member of Congress or respond to a call to action. We need to make the issue of hunger a priority in our communities and ultimately on Capitol Hill.
We're increasing our advocacy efforts—and we're calling on you to do the same. Take one action per week, or four actions today, in the fight against hunger! Your participation can help change the discussion—and the course of action—about funding for our nation's hungry.


Winning the budget battle for America's hungry will take action on a number of fronts—online, in your community, with your lawmakers, and by spreading the word. Here are some ways you can start helping today.
  • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter—(Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland) Drive the online discussion about what's at stake for Central Kentucky’s hungry if we balance the budget on the backs of our most vulnerable.
  • Spread the Word—Communicate the implications of the imminent threats to federal food programs to your friends and family. 
  • Write a Letter—Raise awareness about cuts adversely impacting America's hungry by writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Check your local newspaper for letter-writing guidelines. It's best to keep your letter short—150 to 200 words—and state your purpose in the first paragraph.
  • Tell Your Story—FAKH needs your help to tell the story of hunger in Central, South Central and Western Kentucky and how it's affecting real people in your local community.  Share your experience by emailing

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