Friday, April 1, 2011

What Team Do You Cheer For?

Thinking back on my high school days, I remember all the football and basketball games I attended.  I consistently cheered for my school's team throughout the year.  I was passionate in my support of our teams.  One reason for that stemmed passion was that I had established friendships/solid relationships with many of the players.  I understood the team's overall win; to be successful no matter how big the obstacles. 

The same rings true for non-profit organizations.  It is difficult for any individual to throw their support behind any organization if they are clueless as to what they do and how they do it!  FAKH understand this.  We operate by support (volunteer, monetary and voice support throughout our service area).  Therefore, we need you!

We need passionate supporters, not only on the sidelines cheering us on, but we need you in the game helping us overcome the challenges of hunger in Kentucky.  We want you to know us better.  Please visit either one or both of our locations (Warehouse-313 Peterson Drive or Volunteer Center- 300 Peterson Drive).  Let us show you, first hand, our daily operational processes and share with you our mission for this organization.  We want to establish that friendship with you and get to know you better as well. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Development Director, Tami Delaney, at 270-769-6997.

Let us become your charity of choice!

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