Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ATTENTION DONORS: Read About the Difference You are Making! Meet 78-Year-Old Virginia!

It is so encouraging to hear the positive impact FAKH is making in the lives of so many individuals in Central and South Central Kentucky.  These life situations, in which I share with you, come directly from the actual clients we serve. 

Let me introduce you to Virginia!  I met Virginia at a recent food distribution.  She shares her story:

"Several years ago, I operated a food pantry (not affiliated with FAKH) out of my basement.  I enjoyed helping others very much, not realizing one day, I too, would be receiving food that way.  I am a widow of three years now and only get a small Social Security check, barely enough to make ends meet.  One day about 6-8 weeks ago, a friend of mine told me about the monthly food distributions at the National Guard Armory building.  I have really enjoyed coming here.  You can't believe how it helps me; things I could never buy myself.  If this were not a resource for me, I would do without a lot of things.  I thank God for Feeding America, Kentucky's Heartland."

Tami Delaney, Development Director

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hard Times = People Turning to the Food Bank / Pantries

Since I began my employment here at Feeding America, Kentucky's Heartland in August 2008, I have been transformed in my thinking.  I would be stretching the truth a bit if I said that I never thought previously that the majority of the people who visited food banks and pantries were 'users and abusers' of the system.  'Why aren't they working?'  'They probably get a handout from the government already.'  Today, I must admit my previous mindset was that of ignorance.

I soon discovered after meeting the individuals on the other end of the receiving line that the true client stories are vast and troubling. 

Let me introduce you to one of our clients, we will call him Jerry.  Upon his arrival to the food distribution site, Jerry explained to me that this was his first time ever coming to something like this.  I asked Jerry if he would be willing to talk to me a bit about his situation at home, as this information does help me in grants and sharing with the public about the need at hand.  Jerry agreed.

I asked Jerry to explain what brought him to the food distribution site, to explain to me his life in a nutshell.  Jerry went on to tell me that he was terminated from a local factory after exceeding his Family Medical Leave for numerous hernia surgeries accompanied with many complications.  He soon found that making ends meet for he and his family was impossible.  He not only found himself with a mounting stack of electric, water and medical bills, but without the means to provide food for his family.  A concerned family member shared with Jerry about the monthly distributions being conducted by Feeding America, Kentucky's Heartland, North Hardin Hope and Helping Hand.  He was encouraged to seek help from such organizations.  Thankfully, he did just that.

Many individuals find themselves in situations just like Jerry.  Unexpected circumstances cause their world to be turned upside, leaving many without hope.  However, there IS hope!  Feeding America, Kentucky's Heartland food bank is determined to get food in the hands of those individuals, families and seniors who need it. 

Would you consider helping feed someone in need?  Please visit our website at http://www.feedingamericaky.org/ and click on donate now to make a difference in the life of somelike like Jerry.  You can never go wrong in helping someone in need.

-Tami Delaney, FAKH Development Director

Friday, April 1, 2011

What Team Do You Cheer For?

Thinking back on my high school days, I remember all the football and basketball games I attended.  I consistently cheered for my school's team throughout the year.  I was passionate in my support of our teams.  One reason for that stemmed passion was that I had established friendships/solid relationships with many of the players.  I understood the team's overall goal....to win; to be successful no matter how big the obstacles. 

The same rings true for non-profit organizations.  It is difficult for any individual to throw their support behind any organization if they are clueless as to what they do and how they do it!  FAKH understand this.  We operate by support (volunteer, monetary and voice support throughout our service area).  Therefore, we need you!

We need passionate supporters, not only on the sidelines cheering us on, but we need you in the game helping us overcome the challenges of hunger in Kentucky.  We want you to know us better.  Please visit either one or both of our locations (Warehouse-313 Peterson Drive or Volunteer Center- 300 Peterson Drive).  Let us show you, first hand, our daily operational processes and share with you our mission for this organization.  We want to establish that friendship with you and get to know you better as well. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Development Director, Tami Delaney, at 270-769-6997.

Let us become your charity of choice!